Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reponse B

In response to Greg,
I agree that there is a clear difference between marketing and advertisement as well as propaganda. Marketing relies behind the scene with a social aspect of how to distribute a product and what could be a successful way of doing it. Your definition on advertisement is agreeable where you had said that it's more of a visual want to the customer and it is used to try to persuade them right away if not sometime in the near future. Propaganda is used to persuade a community toward a position or cause. I liked your example of how you explained propaganda, "War on Terror" and how you explained the its not only trying to persuade its citizens on this position but it enforces the word "war". Your definition and explanation made complete sense. Could advertisement and propagandas both mean the same thing? Can they both advertise and event or position?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Difference between Marketing, Advertising and Propaganda

Marketing and Advertising are usually viewed as the same but in reality they aren't. Marketing is used to satisfy the customer and keep them as a loyal consumer. Marketing is used to build strong customer relationships in order for their return. Advertising is a way to communicate with customers in order to persuade them to buy a product or brand. Advertising is usually used to create a image to the customer on how it is beneficial to them and convince them that there is no other product like it. Propaganda are like advertising but instead it's influencing the attitude of a particular group toward a cause. For example the Haiti foundation is influencing people for donations for those who suffered in the earthquake and the thousands of homes lost.